Kubernetes Logo

Kubernetes seems to be all the rage in today’s cloud focused, microservice architecture hyped world - but what is this mysterious beast and how does one use it in practice?

In the first part of this talk, Dan will take you through the core architectural concepts behind Kubernetes, give a fast crash course on docker images and containers, and speak about Kubernetes as a practical, elegant, reliable and manageable solution for applications of any size or scale.

The second part will be focused on getting an app up and running on Kuberneres using the Google Container Engine. Dan will take the audience through the basic bootstrapping of a Kubernetes cluster, fundamental application architecture including container design, pod and service description and creation, deployment, storage management, and exposing a service on the public internet.

In addition to the above topics and demonstration, Dan will be available to answer questions about his knowledge and experience in deploying clusters for Moonfarmer clients.


Dan Stone is the Senior Creative Technologist at Moonfarmer, a design and development studio in Kingston, NY where he works as an application architect and sometime DevOps ringmaster.

Dan is co-founder of the Hudson Valley Tech Meetup, and Catskills Conf.

Lightning Talks

We’ll also be doing the following lightning talks before the meeting:

  • None yet, please propose below!

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