In celebration of the Holiday Season, as well as the end of the MHVLS era of MHVLUG, we’ll be doing a Holiday Extravaganza of Lightning Talks. Lightning talks are short (~10 minute) to the point presentations on a single topic of interest. They are a great launch pad for finding out about new things, and links will be provided to explore more after the meeting on the mailing list.

Punch and Pie

, I mean Cookies and Coffee will be provided. There will be a limited supply of Tux Cookies (regular and chocolate), so get there early!

The currently scheduled Lightning Talks are:

  • Our new home at Vassar College - Ben Stoutenburgh
  • Achieve World Domination with Emacs and Org-Mode - Rich Loveland
  • Twitter Bootstrap: build good looking websites easily - Sean Dague
  • Linux Mint MGSE as it relates to Ubuntu Unity - Joe Apuzzo
  • The New MHVLUG - 960gs and responsive web design - Sean Dague
  • Google CloudPrint - Jack Chastain
  • Android: Rooting and Security - Mike Kershaw
  • Mozilla Tilt 3D - Visualization tool for web developers - Bruce Locke

With possibly a few more sliding in late.


Not to be forgotten, the election of 2012 officers will kick off at 6:05. The current slate of nominees are as follows:

  • President - Sean Dague
  • Program Director - Ben Stoutenburgh
  • Publicity - Paul Chauvet
  • Historian - Jack Chastain

We’ll also take nominations from the floor, coup d’état is always encouraged. All present are eligible to vote.

Scheduling Note

For those that were looking forward to Sean O’Connor’s previously scheduled talk on Chef, powers beyond our control made that not possible this month. Sorry for the last minute change. Don’t worry though, we’ll have him back on the schedule in 2012, for what I’m sure will be a great presentation.