July’s meeting is going to be in two parts. First, we’ll be doing a showing of the Arduino Documentary, which describes the evolution of the popular hobbyist platform. With a running time of 28 minutes, it’s a really compelling video.
After that we’re going to have Arduino show and tell, with fame and fortune (well, at least the fame part, details coming shortly). We encourage all MHVLUG members to build and bring some Arduino based creation and show it to the group. Contest eligibility:
- Main logic for whatever you are creating must be in a *duino platform (Arduino or various clones)
- You must be willing to open source under a standard open source license (BSD, MIT, GPL, etc) and share the code and wiring diagrams of your creation. We’ll be posting all of these on the MHVLUG website as giveback to the community. We’ll help with creating wiring diagrams for anyone that’s interested.
If you’ve never worked with Arduino before, consider this an excellent opportunity to get started with open hardware hacking, and we’d suggest you start with this very excellent kit from Adafruit Industries that will take you through a number of Arduino exercises. A great place for beginners to start.
If you do have some experience but have been looking for something to do, you might want to take advantage of this opportunity and work on submitting a project to the Instructables/Adafruit Make It Tweet Challenge.
Creations don’t have to be spectacular, this is about getting your feet wet, and getting inspired by the creations of others. Hope to see you at the meeting, and hope you bring out something cool to share with everyone!